Ai and arduino-raspberry?

Hello there!After some thought i m thinking that maybe there is a good possibility for all of us to make a big improvement to our i would firstly like to ask if there is any possibility to make an arduino or pi based simple AI which will not only control things,but it ll be able to learn things and maybe take decisions…(a simple Jarvis is the perfect example)and of course implement that to our cayenne projects.what do you think?would this be possible?

Are you play with

hello there and really thanks for the responce!!is this an “actual” ai?with the ability to learn?it seems very promising and highly customizable,and at the same time its free and easy to use…am i in a dream,or there is something i didn’t take in mind?

Could please someone provide me some help?how could I connect cayenne with wit?how could I control the ai from my phone?and how to start building everything?any help would be much appreciated…