Any camera support using arduino?

want to use camera module for arduino and display in cayenne…is it possible???

HI @vin3yasukhadeve,

We’re working on a Camera widget that will allow you to display and operate cameras connected to your Arduino (and Raspberry Pi), so this functionality is coming soon to Cayenne. We have a whole bunch of new widgets we’re going to be introducing that you can see here.

Right now, the most you could do is sent commands via our currently available widgets to operate a camera connected to an Arduino, but you wouldn’t see any image/video output in the Cayenne dashboard until we implement the above-linked Camera widget.

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Can you say how many month will require to come this feature in cayenne??

Not with great accuracy :slight_smile:

I can tell you that we have 9 of those ‘coming soon’ widgets planned for a Q2 2017 release, and right now the Camera widget is not in that initial batch. It doesn’t mean we won’t do more widgets soon after, just that those are coming first. The best I can say is to keep an eye on the forum announcements category where we’ll be updating when we release these, and with information about what items we’ll be working on next.

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