Digital Output is Unreachable

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3

Web and iOS dashboards

When I create a Digital Output on the web it never shows up on the iOS App.
It also becomes unreachable so I can’t actually use it. I’ve made about 10 different ones with different GPIO pins, different symbols etc…

I always end up with the same problem.

Hi @julian,

This sounds like your Pi might be running the 4.9 Linux kernel, with which webiopi (a component of the Cayenne Pi agent software) is currently incompatible. Could you run the command uname -a to check your kernel version?

If it is showing 4.9, you can switch to the 4.4 kernel with just one command (and a reboot afterwards):
sudo rpi-update 52241088c1da59a359110d39c1875cda56496764

We have an update to the Pi agent in our QA now which should resolve this issue and allow Cayenne to work on both 4.4 and 4.9 in the near future.

If uname -a shows you are already running 4.4, let me know and I’ll continue to help troubleshoot.

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This worked. I was on 4.9. Thanks a lot.


piggybacking onto that comment, i just downgraded to 4.4 as well after search why nothing is working for a while.

now i can switch the GPIO pins from input to output but no matter what i do they never pull high when i use them as an output, the switch says its working but nothing does happen

just took my multimeter to see if there is really nothing happening, turns out it works but my relay does not see 3.3V as a high input so i guess im kind of screwed there.

What model relay are you using?

its just a cheap Aliexpress relay module that already has all the logic stuff build in so you only need to supply power and a trigger signal, in my case low level trigger.

the problem is it doesnt untrigger when 3.3V are supplied to the board.


Just wanted to bump this thread to note that we’ve now updated our Pi agent to support the 4.9 kernel (it still supports 4.4 as well). The update was automatic in the background so there is nothing you need to do on your end. Feel free to use rpi-update to move forward to the 4.9 kernel at this point if you’d like!