Error with Cayenne LPP

we have a small project for our school and we trying to send the data to cayenne , we get the correct data on TTN but on cayenne. we get wrong readings

this is our code

what are we doing wrong

// Send temperature and humidity sensor data
lpp.addTemperature(0, temp);
lpp.addRelativeHumidity(1, hum);
lpp.addLuminosity(2, uv);
lpp.addBarometricPressure(3, bPressure);
lpp.addTemperature(4, bTemp);
lpp.addAnalogInput(5, bAltitude);

@eptak @asanchezdelc tagging for this.

Thanks we use a seeduino LORA GPS and a MULTI TECHGATEWAY

CayenneLPP.h doesn’t seem to be an official Cayenne library, so I don’t think you’ll get a whole lot of help here on that. Here is the documentation is on the Cayenne LPP payload. Add in a line at the bottom of your sketch Serial.println(lpp.getBuffer()); to see what you are actually sending to the Cayenne servers. If I had to guess it doesn’t match LPP 2.0. @eptak can assist further and let you know what they are seeing on the server.

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Hi @pesengineeringclub sorry for late reply,
Could you please provide sample raw data from TTN or from the serial output as @adam suggested ?
Your deveui could help as well to track down your device in our logs.
I suspect a too big payload sent but I need to check in order to confirm.
TTN lib is not official but works good with what is supported.