IOT based water managment. Smart Switch and Flownomo

About This Project

This smart board lets you power your devices from anywhere with a phone.
The FloNoMo device solves the problem of overflowing tanks by switching off the motor
when the tank starts overflowing and also can function on a scheduled basis
where you dont have to worry about switching the motor on and off everyday.
This is our attempt at solving a generic problem of water wasteage and
coming up with an automated system to function tasks at scheduled timings.

What’s Connected

  1. Wemos D1 mini *2.
  2. 5v 10A relay.
  3. 4 socket spike guard with usb port.
  4. water detector

Triggers & Alerts

when the water from overflow pipe comes in contact with the water detector. this trigger the relay to switch off.
also a message is send to user that the sensor has reached threshold value.


using the scheduling feature we can start the motor on daily bases. this add more feature as, the time taken to fill the water varies as it depends on water pressure, so the time may vary. now only when the water overflow the flownomo switches off the motor.
scheduling feature allows to switch on motor everyday at particular time also sends you a message that the motor is switched on.

Dashboard Screenshots

Photos of the Project



Nice work! If you do that with an Arduino instead of a Wemos Board you can join the current contest. More information here.

@Neoxelox i have added a arduino with Ethernet shield and entered the project in the contest.

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i need your help in triggering and scheduling kindly help me?

currently there is an bug with triggers and team is working on getting a new trigger engine soon. till then you can add if condition to turn on/off motor. use cayenne to show the water level and status of pump.

and what about scheduling.
It is also not working

when ever i schedule an event with notification. notification comes to my mobile but relay does not operate