IoT Smart Socket Arduino & Cayenne

About This Project

I saw Chinese socket that you can command by your phone, but I’m a maker, and I want just make one of this by myself!

This is possible by using CAYENNE Dashboard!

Do you know Cayenne? See the Cayenne site!

Total amount of project is about $ 60,00

Link to Tutorial

What’s Connected

Arduino MKR1000
2 x Relay
3 x led
1x Power Supply
All the components of AC current socket


You can schedule the pin for temporizing the switch on or off the socket

Dashboard Screenshots



Way to go Giovanni! Thanks for posting a video that includes the wiring diagrams :wink:


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Nicely done!!

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What reles have you used? Arduino MKR 1000 is compatible with common reles?
I’m afraid to burn it, I burned my Genuino101 tested with a L392 for driver dc motor :cry:

Be careful! MKR1000 works at 3.3V I almost burned one :sweat_smile:

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Sainsmart makes some relay boards that work. Be sure to power the relay board from an external power source. Remove any jumper from the relay board if there is one. The In1- whatever will activate with 3.3v as long as you connect relay gnd to board gnd. The arduino 5v on board regulator cannot power the relays for long before poof!

Search relay board for arduino on eBay

You can use the 5 v relay, but you can use 3.3v also for alimentation of relay board. Connect the relay board GND and VCC to GND and 3.3vout Arduino mkr1000. After you can connect the output pin of arduino mkr1000 to in pin of relay.