Packaging Cayenne as app to sell products

Hey Will,

Thank you for asking this! It excites the Cayenne team that you would think about Cayenne in a commercial mindset… This was touched on in this post as well: Mobile App Customization
I go into more depth on this now, since this will be be some great feedback to help drive Cayenne.

So you’ve actually touched on a vision of the Cayenne product. At its current state, there is no stream-lined way to move from a “IoT proto-type” to a “commercial product”. However, I’d like to say this is what we’d like Cayenne to be able to do…move an idea (or design/solution) from initial proto-type to a successful pilot solution and then to full-scale production out in the real world.

Apologize in advance if any of the assumptions in next paragraphs are off, please correct me or add to it!:

As a Product Designer, whether you are designing for yourself or on behalf of a client (let’s assume you are designing for a client here), there is a huge value in being able to provide a proto-typed solution that the client interact with to give you direct feedback. The amount of time it takes to create that proto-typed solution for the client should be as minimal as possible (it’s a prototype after all) and, ideally, the proto-type can be easily iterated as feedback is gathered from the client and the product itself is iterated over time.

At some point, I assume the proto-typed solution would be approved, or at least it’s officially declared as viable and ready to be used as the basis for a pilot program to test it in the real world within a controlled environment.

So we’re now at the point where the client is using the solution in the pilot program, has continued to make some improvements to the solution, and is now wants to deploy the solution commercially…what now?

  • Is the process above accurate to how you would think someone, such as yourself, would use Cayenne to develop some commercial product?

  • Do you think you can expand on what you would expect should happen at this point (the “what now”)? What would you need from the Cayenne platform to enable you to use it as you’ve envisioned?

Sorry for long post…would appreciate your input though!


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