Showing 2 IP addresses, and has stopped working

My Cayenne setup is now showing 2 IP addresses, and has stopped working, It was working very well at first, but lately my second board is now showing the 2 addresses. Any way to correct this problem other than deleting the device from my dashboard and starting over ?



I think your question needs to be a stand alone thread in the Bugs/Issues category. I moved it to this group for more visibility by the problem solvers.

Just to clarify, is the second address by chance?


@Ian thanks for moving this.

@crob44 screenshots might help too. Are you web dashboard or app? It seems like something happened when you added a second Pi to your account. I assume you went through the add device process to generate a new install code for the second Pi?

Here’s a snippet of the dashboard

Any help thanks

Thanks for the screenshot.

Okay, are you using WiFi or Ethernet? …Looks like WiFi. Have you used multiple WiFi dongles on that Pi? Or switched out one for the other?

Do you have any abnormal networking going on with your Pi that could be reason why it’s giving off two IP’s?
