Simple temp and humidity with triggers

Hello all,

I need some simple help I think.

I have a raspberry Pi 3 connected and configured with cayenne.

I have made 4 relays work manual, they also work in the schedule mode.

I want to add a temperature sensor and humidity sensor and use them in the triggers. I bought the DH22 sensor, hooked it up but then realized it’s not an available sensor to add. I have read here about the MQTT and this seems like a lot of work (I am not that good at this coding). Also I think I read MQTT did not work with the triggers.

So I do not waste any more money and time, can any of you tell me what temperature sensor, and humidity sensors you have working with the triggers. I have to do something simple like temperature gets to 110 degrees, turn on relay (fan).

Triggers should be working very soon. I have a good guide here