Cannot able to connect Arduino Uno to cayenne

I’m new to cayenne and i want to connect Arduino Uno with cayenne can anyone help me how to connect arduino uno to cayenne and is there a need i should require a Arduino wifi shield without the shield can i not be able to connect to cayenne??

Hi @vivekgs27,

Cayenne is cloud based, so yes for right now in order to use the powerful features of Cayenne you’ll need to connect your Arduino to internet. Have a local server version of Cayenne is on the roadmap, but still will not be for some time.

Welcome to the Cayenne community!


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You can however connect your Arduino to Cayenne via the Serial USB Connection option if you don’t have an Ethernet/WiFi shield. You should see it on the list of sketch options when you’re adding the Arduino via Add New > Device/Widget > Microcontroller

Hi @bestes,
I don’t have any shield in particular to connect my arduino to the cloud. what i have is a ESP8266-01 module so could anyone help me how to connect my ESP8266-01 module to cayenne please and if possible please do send me the code



Bumping this old thread to share that we’ve just provided support in our MQTT Arduino library for using ESP8266 as a shield :slight_smile: We’ve done basic testing and works well. Give it a try for your project and let us know how it works out for you !

Here is the updated library on our github:

and the code can be found here: