Cayenne Linux Agent Open Sourced!

yes I did this:
$ opkg update

$ opkg upgrade

but nothing changed

I did not have such an error. I will search for this.

If I reinstall my Raspberry Pi, and I want to reinstall this agent again, using the same device on the Cayenne dashboard, I have to use the same invite code. The problem is that I can not retrieve my invite code after the device reported to the dashboard for the first time. Am I missing it somewhere?

Won’t it be nicer to use the authId in /etc/myDevices/AppSettings.ini, rather than the invite code. That way we can use the static code in the URL of the device on the console to add it back again.

I have 2 C.H.I.P. computers not really doing anything…

try this one :- python - No module named pkg_resources - Stack Overflow