Sensor with DS18b20 doesn't return any value

Tried again to add a DS18b20 sensor to the dashboard, and again no value are returned by the sensor…I have the same sensor on another Arduino and the serial monitor return perfect values verified with laser thermometre…
the other Sensor I added to the dashboard, a TMP36 returns a constant 90.00 degrees, doesn’t matter what is the real temperature…it looks like there is a serious issue with temperature sensors…while the PIR sensor is working quite fine…even if it need to be re-started sometime…
anybody cna help with this DS18b20 issue?
I really need to put this sensor to work for to monitor and trigger a Freezer that has some issues…
please…anybody that had this same problem and solved it?

thanks for any help…

Can you post your code?

Look…this could sound weird, but I just tried to add a second DS18b20 sensor, with just the same code, and when it had been added to the dashboard, the first one suddenly started sending a correct value… I set a trigger and it did it correctly one time…just one time…and no more…not sure now what could be the issue…maybe poor internet transfer… I will wait a while…
but , at least, now I have some value…and correct.!!..
we will try to fix the TMP36 in the next future…now I will experiment with the DS18b20…
many thanks anyway

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