Arduino programming problem 2

have you tried running a basic cayenne code, without any sensor code to check your sensor code is not blocking it.

that is proved only with the connection code and blocks the same.
my tests were:

  • same code with arduino1-2 and esp8266 (as much as possible)
  • different code (mqtt and cayenne native) same arduino 2

let me check what is the issue with the cayenne code.

i checked there does not seems any reason why the cayenne code is blocking. Is this same with arduino uno and ethernet shield? i dont have arduino due, but i tested with arduino uno with basic code and it connect without any issue.

no,il problema si presenta solo con arduino2. con arduino un è una bomba

okay, if it is specific to arduino2 then it is very difficult to find out as it works fine connected to pc.

purtroppo hai ragione. il problema si presenta solo quando lavora con alimnetazione esterna

You can continue publishing data with pubsub library manually for arduino2

perfetto, ma il problema poi mi si presenta per la questione che ho esposto nel altro trader

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It can only be two things: power or code Try another power supply that you know works. Check all your connections and make sure they are tight. Try hitting your reset button a few times to see if that makes it start up. If none of that fixes it then there’s something in your code blocking the loop. Start commenting out sections of code until it works then add back until it doesn’t.

if the issue was it code then it could have not worked when connected to pc. this maybe issue with arduino2 itself but when uploaded a basic leed blink code, it worked. Exactly not sure what is the issue here.

sto provando un altro alimentatore. sono d’accordo che non sia problema di codice, forse qualcosa sul wake up della porta com

it looks like the issue is with the most arduino dues, have a look at this topic Powering Due with Vin and GND pins - Arduino Due - Arduino Forum