Can't add sensors to Arduino Yún

I’m new to Cayenne, and playing around. I wanted to test to add a temperature sensor, described on page Cayenne Docs

I have added my YUN, I can see it and get the current uptime in milliseconds.
But, when trying to add a temperature sensor TMP36, the field where I choose “Select Device” is disabled.

(“<button class=“btn btn-default dropdown-toggle show-special-title disabled” type=“button” disabled=“disabled” tabindex=”-1">Select Device ")

Any ideas?
Björn (Sweden)

Add the MQTT credentials and upload this code Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino/TMP36.ino at master · myDevicesIoT/Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino · GitHub

once uploaded it will auto create a temporary green channel 1 widget. Add it by clicking on + on top right of the widget.

Thanks, that worked :slight_smile:
I hope I can get the “Select Device” also to work in the web interface.

Thanks again

You might have added device as bring your own thing. you need to add the device as an Arduino device.