CAYENNE_OUT_DEFAULT----Widget adding errors

Sorry, there is no other way. Though there is a workaround, you can use one device to collect sensor and another device to send data. Use any communication protocol to transmit data between the two devices.

So I coud connect the sensor to a UNO and transmit everything to MEGA whish connects to Cayenne?

Any examples available? :slight_smile:

there is no example available, you got to do it on your own.

I guess the best would be serial to serial communication, correct?

hii shramik !! i’ am facing the same thing here … everything was working fine and i don’ t know why i lost the connection to the internet (even on all pc ) and when i tryed to start again with the esp8266 i have the same error code

[986864] Disconnected
[986864] Connecting to
[1017089] MQTT connect failed, error -1
[1048288] MQTT connect failed, error -1
[1079486] MQTT connect failed, error -1
[1110702] MQTT connect failed, error -1

can’t login again tryed many times …i don’t thing it’s the provider …i use mqtt since 1 month as least …any help would be nice

can you try connecting to mydevices using telnet telnet 1883

i don’t know where to add this part in my code (( telnet 1883 ))???

here’s how it strat

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>

#define DATA_CHANNEL 0 //Virtual channel for publishing sensor data.
#define TRIGGER_CHANNEL 1 //Virtual channel for publishing the trigger value.
#define THRESHOLD 200 //Threshold for the trigger.
bool sendBelowThreshold = true; //Set to true if the trigger should happen when the data value is below the threshold,
//false if it should happen when the data value is above or equal to the threshold.
bool crossedThreshold = false;

char ssid = “";
char wifiPassword[] = "

char username = “***************************";
char password[] = "";
char clientID[] = "

ok thank you shramik i will try this !!! thanks for your time again

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