Connection Problem on New Esp8266 Librarry

Yes it is tied to GND.

ı can just see 33333333333333333333333333 on 9600 Baud Rate. In others baud rate it is not logical characters. Iam tryin to flash with 9600 but it is not working.

I’ve never seen that output.

The other thing you need to do is pull the reset on the uno to ground to
use it this way.



Yeah for bypass to arduino i am doing that but it is not working too. Do you wanna make teamviewer?

Sorry. Can’t from work.

Can you try and remove the ESP and connect RX to TX and see if what you type is repeated? Try with different baud rates?

If that works, then close the Arduino IDE, restore the ESP connections, and confirm the flash tool is using the same com port as the Arduino IDE.

Next, try different baud rates until it works. For me and my ESP-07 and ESP-12 modules, the default bootloader baud rate was 74880.

Good luck.


It is not working still.

So what are your troubleshooting steps and results?

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I can’t because i don’t know.

What don’t you know? Where are you getting hung up?