Darn it, I’m not very markdown savvy - I expected to be able to reply with quoted inclusions of your reply. Oh well.
The DHT22 code is something I found here: DHT11/DHT22 with Raspberry Pi
You mentioned that initially my DS18B20 would appear as a temporary green widget. I seem to recall that was true, and then I did something to make it permanent.
Getting the DS18B20 on my DHT sensor dashboard would be nice, but mainly I’m trying to figure out how the data of the R-Pi system (incl. DS18B20) gets onto the dashboard. Is it strictly MQTT or something else? I think that the link to Cayenne-Agent that you’ve provided tells me that it is MQTT. If MQTT, then I need to figure out the ClientID, Username, Password and topic strings so that I can subscribe from other clients.