Hola, tengo una raspberry funcionando con cayenne y ahora me gustaria exprimentar con esta placa arduino que trae wifi incorporado.
Desde el sketch de arduino la reconoce al seleccionar “wemos D1 R2 mini”
Tengo una duda al instalarla en cayyene ya que no se que modelo elegir en el paso 3 de la instalacion (supongo que una vez tenga claro el modelo en el desplegable tendre que elegir el escudo wifi)
¿ Me podrian ayudar, que modelo elegir para instalar con cayenne ?
Install arduino wemos ESP-8266
Hello, I have a raspberry running with cayenne and now I would like to express with this arduino board that brings built-in wifi.
From the arduino sketch it recognizes it when selecting “wemos D1 R2 mini”
I have a doubt when installing it in cayyene since I do not know which model to choose in step 3 of the installation (I suppose once you have clear the model in the drop down you will have to choose the wifi shield)
Could you help me, which model to choose to install with cayenne?
There is now native support for ESP8266 devices, see below. Follow the instructions on the next page and you should be up and running!
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OK, as far as I can try it.
Thank you so much
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