Is possible use a library like "elementzonline/SIM800_MQTT" for connet to the servers of Cayenne?

Is possible use a library like "elementzonline/SIM800_MQTT" for connet to the servers of Cayenne?

the library say that need declarated

String MQTT_HOST = "";

String MQTT_PORT = "1883";

and others

  /*    void connect(char *ClientIdentifier, char UserNameFlag, char PasswordFlag, char *UserName, char *Password, char CleanSession, char WillFlag, char WillQoS, char WillRetain, char *WillTopic, char *WillMessage);
          ClientIdentifier  :Is a string that uniquely identifies the client to the server.
                            :It must be unique across all clients connecting to a single server.(So it will be better for you to change that).
                            :It's length must be greater than 0 and less than 24
                            :Example "qwerty"
          UserNameFlag      :Indicates whether UserName is present
                            :Possible values (0,1)
                            :Default value 0 (Disabled)
          PasswordFlag      :Valid only when  UserNameFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :Indicates whether Password is present
                            :Possible values (0,1)
                            :Default value 0 (Disabled)
          UserName          :Mandatory when UserNameFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :The UserName corresponding to the user who is connecting, which can be used for authentication.
          Password          :alid only when  UserNameFlag and PasswordFlag are 1 , otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :The password corresponding to the user who is connecting, which can be used for authentication.
          CleanSession      :If not set (0), then the server must store the subscriptions of the client after it disconnects.
                            :If set (1), then the server must discard any previously maintained information about the client and treat the connection as "clean".
                            :Possible values (0,1)
                            :Default value 1
          WillFlag          :This flag determines whether a WillMessage published on behalf of the client when client is disconnected involuntarily.
                            :If the WillFlag is set, the WillQoS, WillRetain, WillTopic, WilMessage fields are valid.
                            :Possible values (0,1)
                            :Default value 0 (Disables will Message)
          WillQoS           :Valid only when  WillFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :Determines the QoS level of WillMessage
                            :Possible values (0,1,2)
                            :Default value 0 (QoS 0)
          WillRetain        :Valid only when  WillFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :Determines whether the server should retain the Will message.
                            :Possible values (0,1)
                            :Default value 0
          WillTopic         :Mandatory when  WillFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :The Will Message will published to this topic (WillTopic) in case of involuntary client disconnection.
          WillMessage       :Mandatory when  WillFlag is 1, otherwise its value is disregarded.
                            :This message (WillMessage) will published to WillTopic in case of involuntary client disconnection.

I’m not specifically familiar with this library, but we have our own Arduino MQTT library that you may be interested in. Is there a feature of this elementzonline one that you’d like to see in the official Cayenne libs?