Cannot add tmp36 using iOS app

When adding sensor it always says unable to add, all fields must be filled but, they are filled.

Hi @wmontg5988,

I’m taking a bit of a guess here, so correct me if I’m wrong, but did you select an Analog Converter from the Analog Converter dropdown menu? The TMP36 is an Analog sensor and needs an Analog to Digital Converter chip since Raspberry Pi’s don’t have analog-in ports. I can help you with

If that’s not correct, let me know which device you’re using (Pi or Arduino), and which model. And grab a screenshot of the Add Sensor page, and I bet we can figure out what’s missing here, or if there is a bug.

So, I added the mcp3008 and it all came together. Now to figure out how to use LM35dt sensor with a r-PI.

Thanks for the help!

Montgomery’s Repair/Santos Solar
848 Savage Rd.
Charleston, SC. 29414-5651