DS18B20 Temperature Trigger Slider

Thanks, I appreciate you double checking for me, that’s what I expected.

While we work on the bug that the min/max ranges aren’t retained at all, I’m hoping we can get that third DS18B20 to show you the default range, which hopefully is good enough for you to make your third trigger. Here is what I would try (this is assuming that all of your DS18B20s are connected to GPIO 4 on your Pi, which is able to detect 1-Wire sensors and allows Cayenne to auto-create widgets for them):

  1. Remove the DS18B20 sensor which is giving you this trouble by clicking on it’s gear icon > Settings > Remove. This should delete the associated trigger entry as well.

  2. Reboot off the Pi via the reboot command on the Cayenne dashboard (or via the Pi itself if you prefer).

  3. On reboot once the Pi is back online, Cayenne should re-detect your missing DS18B20 sensor and create a new widget for it. This may take a minute or two after it comes back online.

I can’t promise that the new widget won’t have the same issue with regard to trigger range, but its worth a shot.