Hey @burnham,
We’re aware of a bug where the min/max range for DS18B20 triggers resets to it’s ‘default’ values after saving and re-entering a trigger. This is easily reproduced with any DS18B20 by doing something like setting the range from 0 to 500, saving, then re-opening the trigger. The issue where I’m currently stumped is that that default range should be -67F to 257F, the operating range of that sensor.
In your case, somehow the UI has decided that the range is 0 to 20F so its reverting to that, which actually moves the trigger value because it has to be contained in the range. We’ve seen one other case of it in the forums in this thread: DS18B20 Temperature Trigger Slider - #7 by rsiegel
In that guy’s case the UI is limited to an even more restricting 71F-72.5F.
Ultimately we just need to fix the bug to retain user defined ranges then this shouldn’t be an issue anymore. Until then, I’d be interested if you could try the steps listed in that post I linked above (making the same assumptions about your wiring that I did for him there, too). Basically for each DS18B20 where the trigger range is anything but -67F to 257F, delete the actual DS18B20 widget itself (and any associated triggers), then reboot the pi and let Cayenne auto-create new DS18B20 widgets for you when it detects the sensors on the 1-Wire bus (GPIO 4)