This category is for all things related to Cayenne’s Bring Your Own Thing (BYOT) API.
- You can check out the MQTT API documentation here.
This category is for all things related to Cayenne’s Bring Your Own Thing (BYOT) API.
I am currently writing a textbook that deals with Mbed MicroControllers. Currently there are over 120 Mbed MicroControllers and growing. I am using a FRDM K-64 MicroController that has been the first micro controller to be fully supported by Mbed for even their OS 5.1 . It has an ethernet connector which has allowed me to connect to another web service to send pushbutton data to the cloud and be able to control the on board leds with the Cloud API. However, I really would like to be able to connect it to my and be able to use your full suite of widgets for my course. The WIZnet libraries seem to only support WiFi shields.
I have over 200 students a year and would like them to be able to use Cayenne to connect to proper cloud services. Any help you could give me to make this happen would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Ross
Professor, School of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Technology
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
1750 Finch Ave East, Toronto