Arduino can' t connect

Did you update the firmware on the WiFi shield?



I am using Arduino UNO R3 with W5100 ethernet shield. I have uploaded the sketch in the Arduino with token assigned to me. I am using Airtel Broadband connection and D-Link Modem. I have connected ethernet cable between modem and W5100, but Arduino cannot connect to Cayenne. The serial monitor is showing the following message:

[0] MAC: FE-D6-E0-DC-E3-CC
[0] Getting IP…
[60445] DHCP Failed!
[0] MAC: FE-D6-E0-DC-E3-CC
[1] Getting IP…
[60446] DHCP Failed!
[1] MAC: FE-D6-E0-DC-E3-CC
[1] Getting IP…
[60446] DHCP Failed!
[0] MAC: FE-D6-E0-DC-E3-CC
[1] Getting IP…

I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting, without any luck. Can anyone please help.

It’s a long shot, but check out this post Connecting Issue with Arduino uno and Cayenne Via Ethernet Shield W5100 - #19 by prasanthsselvam

If that’s not it start troubleshooting the physical hardware like network cables and the equipment connected on the other end of the cable.

Thanks Adam for your advice. My UNO R3 and W5100 is now connected with Cayenne server and I can see the status through your smart phone app. I replaced my D-Link modem with Binatone modem and connected the UNO USB cable to a USB hub. I guess, either my computer USB port was not being able to supply adequate power to UNO R3 + W5100 or, there was communication voltage level issues with the earlier D-Link modem. Thanks once again as it was a hardware issue.

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I have a problem in using Ethernet Shield. Output on Serial Monitor:

[0] MAC: FE-A5-9B-69-A9-CF
[0] Getting IP…
[5783] My IP:
[5784] Connecting to
[10785] Connecting to
[15787] Connecting to
[20788] Connecting to
[25789] Connecting to

I have tried to write my code to connect a database server (without Cayenne) and store the data and it was OK.
I also have given a command to ping but I always got Timeout.
Any suggestion to solve this problem? Thanks