how Could I know that cayyene is refusing my conection and why?
My project was starting good and some minutes later start to lost comunication.
Im using 3 sliders and sending a data about the feeback status of the vaue send as well of the typican sensors, humidity,temperature and luminosity.
I am surfering a very poor experience and I sure that something wrong I am doing because with the old library it was working very good.
Now I’m with arduino and ESP8266-01 as a wifi shield in MQTT.
Here is a example of how to only send your data at intervals rather than flooding the connection/server with data. This sends the virtualwrites every 10 seconds.
insert code into your sketch:
unsigned long time4 = 0; // declare variable
void setup()
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, ssid, wifiPassword);
void loop()
if (millis() - time4 > 10000) // sends data every 10 sec
Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, 1, "digital_sensor", "d"); // send any data here
time4 = millis(); // resets timer