Cayenne + Wifimanager

I’m working in a project with Cayenne in a Sonoff device.
I want to store the data of ssid, pass and token with the wifimanager interface.
I save these data in json (I think :slight_smile:) then I can access to it with wifimanager.getValue(), but I don’t know how to put those data to Cayenne.begin().

Anyone have been trying with a configurable Cayenne code?

Perdón mi mal inglés :slight_smile:

Hi, cfieiras.

My solution is as follows.
The new method to solve the WiFi setup problem.
Modify the CayenneWiFiClient.h file in the Cayenne library.

The code is as follows.

/* The new method to solve the WiFi setup problem

  • Steve Wang 2017/04/26

void begin(const char* token){
Blynk.config(token, CAYENNE_DOMAIN, CAYENNE_PORT);

arduino code:

void setup() {
//Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password);

void loop(){;

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