I’m working in a project with Cayenne in a Sonoff device.
I want to store the data of ssid, pass and token with the wifimanager interface.
I save these data in json (I think
) then I can access to it with wifimanager.getValue(), but I don’t know how to put those data to Cayenne.begin().
Anyone have been trying with a configurable Cayenne code?
Perdón mi mal inglés 
Hi, cfieiras.
My solution is as follows.
The new method to solve the WiFi setup problem.
Modify the CayenneWiFiClient.h file in the Cayenne library.
The code is as follows.
/* The new method to solve the WiFi setup problem
void begin(const char* token){
Blynk.config(token, CAYENNE_DOMAIN, CAYENNE_PORT);
arduino code:
void setup() {
//Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password);
void loop(){
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