I’m trying to successfully add data from my Chirpstack(formerly loraserver.io) application server but I can’t select it from the drop down of other Lora networks.
I have a url that was evidently provided to the project at some point which I’m sending data to:
Can I make a small request on behalf of Chirpstack.io?(I don’t represent Chirpstack.io). The url leading to lora.mydevices was evidently created when the project was named Loraserver.io. The name was changed because Semtech owns the trademark to Lora.
It would be most preferred if the url had an alias that was this:
I’ll make sure to submit a pull request for the url change. This is a new feature in Chirpstack and for previously mentioned reasons no one can use the integration as of yet but just in case someone has the old url an alias would be nice which could be phased out sooner rather than later