Confirmation dialogue for important action events

Hi ,
i’m new of cayenne. I have connected arduino to do something home automation. I would to confirm the press of button. For example , to command alarm, if i accidentally press button when there are some people in home the siren will sound. So if i have a control like : insert a code or a simply question like “are you sure yes/not” or other…

think might be inserted?

thank you,

Sorry I don’t understand .

Hi @fagallo79,

I think this is a good idea! For actions that are ‘heavy’ and would cause important event to be carried out, would be nice to provide confirmation of the action. I’m going to add this to our roadmap of features. Thank you for the suggestion! It’s the ideas from Cayenne users like you that help make Cayenne even better :slight_smile:


I will wait impatiently :wink: