Connect Cayenne with Esp32 in Arduino IDE

Can anyone help me how to connect Cayenne with Esp32 in Arduino IDE.
I am looking for a basic example.
Thanks for the reply.

Best regards


Hello, and welcome to Cayenne Community. I don’t have experience with this ESP, but could you try the method that is described here in the Community for Esp 8266 ? This Esp32 is just more powerful with more pins, bluetooth, dual core mcu etc… ?

Hi Franc, welcome to the Cayenne Community.

To expand a little bit, this is the method that ognqn was referring to. In addition, we have a MQTT Library that lets you connect ESP devices through our ‘Bring Your Own Thing’ MQTT API

Soon we’ll have support for this microcontroller natively in the Cayenne UI so you don’t have to dig through all of these links to find information on it. In the meantime if you run into any trouble with the above methods, please let us know and we can help troubleshoot/answer questions.

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@fkralj if you have any problems just post your code and I’ll try to help out. I have an ESP32 here that I can test with.

I am waithing for the ESP32 suppor too.
If I could get code that will compile and turn a pin on or off I will be fine. I did it with ESP8266, but I can not make it compile for the ESP32.
Any help will be good.
Regard Svein

I think when I made that earlier post I did not realize our existing ESP8266 support did not cover this chip. It is on our roadmap for future integration, so keep an eye on our release notes for updates.

Certainly if anyone wants to troubleshoot the compilation errors, feel free to discuss here, maybe this can be overcome without waiting for official support in our UI.

@fkralj some success here ?

Time for a bump ?

I’m here because I couldn’t find ESP32 anywhere. Given that an ESP32 board is now at about the AU$10 to 15, they are cheaper, more versatile and less bulky than an Arduino with wifi support.

If there is support, can someone tell me where/how to add these please?



we have an example code for esp32 Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino/ESP32.ino at master · myDevicesIoT/Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino · GitHub

Thanks, I’ll give it a try tomorrow.

Don’t I need to add the board and get confirmation to get a client_id ? (or do I have to ‘steal’ one form another device ?)

yes, each device should have unique client id.

Thanks, that worked well.

How come this isn’t included in the list of supported devices etc ?

we have added support to it quite later.