Dht22 / cayenne

Noted. I wait and stay at your listening on the post

for information i have nothing since 13h15

At 13h15 i change the code with the sleep function. Before 13h15 i don’t have the sleep function

In a PM @shramik_salgaonkar brought up a good point. Is your device waking up? You need to connect pin 16 to RST. Have a read through my whole post to make sure you haven’t missed anything there Battery Powered ESP8266 Temperature/Humidity Monitor with DHT11

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Everything seems fine on my end now. Are you seeing any difference?


This morning everything seems ok on my side I have correct values ​​in my cayenne interface.

I still have two questions:

1 °) I would like to know the state of my batteries by sending on the interface cayenne the remaining capacity.

2 °) I have a soil moisture sensor but I do not know how to integrate it in the DHT22 code.

Thanking you in advance.

hi, had you connected pin 16 to reset pin?

Yes I had connected the PIN 16.
I will try to follow the post but I am French and it is not easy for the translation.
Thanks again.

can you share pic of your devices with pin 16 connected to reset and dht.

look good now. on you give a try with @adam sleeping code and it should be working. it looked like previously you had not connected the pin 16 to reset with blue wire.

@terreemer did you test it out?

@shramik_salgaonkar looks like he’s good with the DHT part.

@terreemer what kind/voltage of battery are you trying to monitor?