Door lock with pass code adjustable over internet!

This is awesome!

For the door lock project you use :

Wemos D1
Nodemcu ESP8266

Do I need to buy exactly those components, or I can use what I already bought?

Arduino Nano V3
Ethernet shield Nano W5100 (compatible with Cayenne)

If ‘‘Yes’’, is the sketch the only thing that I need to upload to the Arduino Nano, or there is something else?

How can add the option to use physical keypad at the door, and a physical button to open the door from inside?

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От: Shramik salgaonkar via myDevices Cayenne Community
Относно: [myDevices Cayenne Community] [Community Help With My Project] Door lock with pass code adjustable over internet!
Изпратено на: 28.12.2020 15:30

| shramik_salgaonkar Community Manager
December 28 |

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