ESP8266 periodically disconnects

For the project I’m working on, I need at least 4 analog inputs and a wireless connection, maybe a Yun will do the trick? Or an Uno with built in WiFi?

yun, can be better chose, but cheaper chose is get an ethernet shield for arduino uno.

Yeah, the problem with the ethernet shield is that the connection really has to be wireless… You wouldn’t know of another alternative by any chance?

i guess we dont support arduino yun wifi mode.

Any other wireless options you can recommend that do work?


Weren’t those discontinued?

yes, they have been. Those are the only wifi boards that are officially supported by cayenne which has more than 1 analog pin. Why dont you use an analog extender like ADS1115 with nodemcu?

If you had to choose between the nodemcu and SparkFun ESP8266 Thing - Dev board, which one would you pick? Or are they more or less the same?

They have the same ESP8266, but the Sparkfun has a port for a lipo battery. They also have different layouts for pins, board size, etc. Other than that should be identical as far as operation.

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Allright, I’ll take a look at that option. Thanks a lot for the assistance!