Post Processing of Cayenne LPP data to another system

I am new and still experimenting. But have a design question.

This is my current sent up
Device[ESP8266]–>Cayenne LPP hex data—>Cayenne Platform[MQTT]—.>widgets & dashboard.

Is it possible to send my original Cayenne LPP load(hex) with it’s client_id to another system via HTTP POST after sending to “Cayenne”?

I am aware that I could just send it to the other system(which uses MQTT as well) from the device but rather not…

Thank you!

how are you using Esp8266 as Lora node(cayenne LPP)?

you can read the data from cayenne using Rest API and then do whatever you want to do with it. Or rather use node-red to get data and process it.

i need not understand what you mean by this.

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@shramik_salgaonkar thanks for the reply!

how are you using Esp8266 as Lora node(cayenne LPP)?
I assume I would simply use a CayenneLPP library for my Arduino devices. the devices would use a ESP8266 to send the sensor data(cayenne LPP payload) over WiFi.

you can read the data from cayenne using Rest API and then do whatever you want to do with it. Or rather use node-red to get data and process it.
ah ok, my system( application server) can use the Cayenne REST endpoint to obtain the data that the devices already sent to Cayenne .that answers my question.

I am aware that I could just send it to the other system(which uses MQTT as well) from the device but rather not…>

i need not understand what you mean by this.
I just meant the adrunio device would send my Cayenne LPP payload to the MQTT Cayenne , and have a separate connection to send to my system(has a MQTT broker)…but as you explained above i can simply use the Cayenne REST API to get the original Cayenne LPP payload sent.

Thanks again.

you will need an LoRa radio Transceiver like this

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thanks. i already have a
ESP8266 and a Adrunio MKR1300

should work , yes?

Arduino MKR1300 will do the job.

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one more question…

in this code for example or any MQTT Client that i use…

it looks It looks like i cloud subscribe to the MQTT and the struct “MessageData” would have my Cayenne LPP data( I assume the HEX format)…is this correct?

MQTT and LoRa are two separate technology. And also CayenneMQTT library is not meant to subscribe to other device published data.