Problem with arduino lib

What dashboard are you using? (Web, iOS, Android)

I tried arduino uno to cayenne dashboard but my arduino ide have problem with cayenne lib. I share my screenshot. Can you help me ? :slight_smile:

Have nice day :slight_smile:

Hi @mraz.mario28,

Glad to see you are getting your hands dirty with Cayenne Arduino integration!

Hopefully you can follow my screenshot. You can use the Cayenne examples to quickly get connected.You’ll just need to insert your auth token and make sure you select the right shield. Let us know when you get connected!


Hi @mraz.mario28,

Were you able to get going?


Yes i add arduino to dashboard :slight_smile: I ask when you add arduino widget to android app ? :slight_smile:

We are working on it now. Hopefully very soon! Within a few weeks :slight_smile:

Android app is out at Google Play store with Arduino support. Check it out!


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Argh. I still haven’t made my Esp12-e board. Lack of $$.