Here is the code it appears on terminal, when I use button of dashboard (of the relay switch):
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log
2020-02-12 15:26:33 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:26:35 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 42.6}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 47.774}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 407969792}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8737439744}]
2020-02-12 15:26:48 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:26:50 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 9.7}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 48.312}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 415506432}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8737538048}]
2020-02-12 15:27:03 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:27:05 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 66.7}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 49.388}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 430272512}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8737566720}]
2020-02-12 15:27:19 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:27:20 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 49.1}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 50.464}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 438038528}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8743780352}, {‘sys:net;ip’: ‘’}, {‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’: 1}] + sys:gpio
2020-02-12 15:27:34 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:27:35 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 67.3}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 51.54}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 468434944}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8744603648}]
2020-02-12 15:27:48 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 1, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:27:50 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 1.3}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 51.002}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 472363008}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8745037824}]
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘2EttJDsM5uv0J5u’, ‘payload’: ‘0’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’}
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘2EttJDsM5uv0J5u’, ‘payload’: ‘0’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’}
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor Guwpz5w3wEytpLK, channel None, value 0
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for Guwpz5w3wEytpLK in dict_keys()
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘class’: ‘RelaySwitch’, ‘device’: <helper.RelaySwitch object at 0x74b9dd90>, ‘description’: ‘Relay Switch’, ‘args’: {‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘channel’: 26, ‘invert’: False, ‘last_state’: 1}, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘status’: 1, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘install_date’: 1581521037}
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - Saving state 0 for device Guwpz5w3wEytpLK
2020-02-12 15:27:59 - myDevices - INFO - ok,2EttJDsM5uv0J5u
2020-02-12 15:28:03 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:28:05 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 54.5}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 52.078}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 492789760}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8746221568}, {‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’: 0}, {‘sys:gpio:26;value’: 0}]
2020-02-12 15:28:15 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for updates…
2020-02-12 15:28:18 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘channel’: ‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘name’: ‘Relay Switch’}]
2020-02-12 15:28:20 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 87.6}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 53.154}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 520876032}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 8747159552}, {‘sys:net;ip’: ‘’}, {‘dev:Guwpz5w3wEytpLK’: 0}] + sys:gpio