Rest api endpoint

is this api endpoint working?
github doc link

yes, this endpoint is to send data as HTTP and is available. You need to get the base64 string of your username and password. Go to and enter your MQTT username:password and encode it.

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I tried to use Postman app to test the api endpoint. I followed the instructions from link eamirg posted:

  • I made HTTP POST request to
  • under Authorization tab I entered MQTT username and password from - Cayenne
  • under Headers tab, I entered Content-Type with value ‘application/json’, and also there is auto-generated Authorization header whose value is ‘Basic ’
  • in the Body tab, I selected type Raw (JSON) and entered:

“channel”: 1,
“value”: 16.4,
“type”: “temp”,
“unit”: “c”

I think I followed the directions correctly, but when I send the request, I get only “400 Bad Request” which isn’t really helping. Could you please help?

have a look at this topic How to access Cayenne API using Insomnia, Node-red and Thunkable only for rest other endpoints are deprecated