Simple gate opener

I try to make a simple gate opener but it will not work. It is based (most parts only copy paste) on this note : Cayenne MQTT and Standalone ESP8266 ESP-01 - myDevices.
For the push button I made the same trigger as described in the note, but it doesn’t work. In the data I can see that the switch is toggling.
Also the relay connected with the NODEMCU gives no reaction.

My sketch :
#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>

// WiFi network info.
char ssid = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;
char wifiPassword = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;

// Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char username = “xxxxxxxx”;
char password = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;
char clientID = “xxxxxxxx”;

// Sound Pin
int soundPin = 3;

// Relay Pin
int relayPin = 2;

void setup() {
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, ssid, wifiPassword);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); // Relay
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
pinMode(soundPin, INPUT); // Sound

void loop() {

CAYENNE_IN(relayPin) {
if (getValue.asInt() == 1) { // NOTE: Channel = Virtual Pin
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
delay (1000);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

else {
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

Thanks for the support.

Try this code and see what you get in the serial monitor when you turn ON/OFF the button.

#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>

// WiFi network info.
char ssid = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;
char wifiPassword = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;

// Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char username = “xxxxxxxx”;
char password = “xxxxxxxxxxx”;
char clientID = “xxxxxxxx”;

// Sound Pin
int soundPin = 3;

// Relay Pin
int relayPin = 2;

void setup() {
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, ssid, wifiPassword);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); // Relay
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
pinMode(soundPin, INPUT); // Sound

void loop() {

if (getValue.asInt() == 1) { // NOTE: Channel = Virtual Pin
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
delay (1000);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

else {
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

  // Write data to Cayenne here. This example just sends the current uptime in milliseconds on virtual channel 0.
  Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, millis());


Sketch give a fault message now : stray ‘\342’ in program.

Don"t know what is going on.

in the code, delete all " and retype "

Found it. Was a copy past problem.
I can activate the output led now and the led is going of after 1 sec ( delay 1000).
Problem is still the trigger. I need a momentory switch. For that reason I made a trigger :
'If NODEMCU relay ON then NODEMCU relay OFF"
Doesn’t work.
Second problem : I can activate the relay from PC but not from my smartphone. Smartphone is on the same LAN as the PC

try something like this:

if (getValue.asInt() == 1) { // NOTE: Channel = Virtual Pin
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
delay (1000);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
send = true;
else {
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

  // Write data to Cayenne here. This example just sends the current uptime in milliseconds on virtual channel 0.
  Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, millis());
if (send)
Cayenne.virtualWrite(3, 1, "digital_sensor", "d");
send = false;

this will create a two-state widget on the dashboard with channel 3. Add a trigger to this widget. if channel 3 widget = 1, then turn OFF relay button.

Receive fault message during compiling : ’ send’ was not declared in this scope.

inserted ‘int send’ in definitions. Sketch is compiling now but still ON/OFF

I found a solution in this topic :Push button ( physical and virtual )

my sketch now .

#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>

// WiFi network info.
char ssid = “xxxxxxxxxx”;
char wifiPassword = “xxxxx”;

// Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char username = “xxxxxxxxx”;
char password = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
char clientID = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;

// Sound Pin
int soundPin = 3;

// Relay Pin
int relayPin = 2;

void setup() {
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, ssid, wifiPassword);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); // Relay
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
pinMode(soundPin, INPUT); // Sound

void loop() {

if (getValue.asInt() == 1) { // NOTE: Channel = Virtual Pin
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
delay (1000);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

//else {
//digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
else {
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

// Write data to Cayenne here. This example just sends the current uptime in milliseconds on virtual channel 0.
Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, millis());


you need to initialise send. boolean send = false

what does your code do?

Code is working. Each time I push the button, the Nodemcu creates a puls to activate the gate.
I have still one problem. When the app is running and my phone switches over from 4G to wifi and vise versa, the system is not working. Than I have to restart the app.


there is an issue it app, and it is advisable to use the web dashboard to use for now.

Because the distance between router and the esp is too long, I installed a wifi extender in between. The extender has the name SSID-ext.
Problem now is Cayenne can not find the esp anymore with the extender in between. Do I have to change the SSID with SSID-ext ?

yes. you need to use the exact same SSID name of the extender.

Do I have to change the SSID name in the ESP only or do I have to do this also in Cayenne ?

in the esp only, so that it gets connected to the new wifi extender.

I changed to the SSID of the extender but it doesn’t work

can you check, what does the Arduino serial monitor output.


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