Smart Home - Temp / Humity anda AQS

Good Morning
I’m a beginner in this arduino world.
My plan was to optimize my home in terms of energy efficiency.
So you needed to know the temperature / humidity in all rooms of the house, (in a later stage on / off AC) and also in the AQS system know the water temperature to switch on / off electrical resistance.
I think it would be an interesting project.

In my research I think it would be possible through arduino, but I have some doubts:
Is it possible to connect several temperature sensors through the cable, several meters away? (Arduino was in a central part of the house)
As well as the system required, to obtain the water temperature of the AQS, On / Off Resistance.

I count on your wise opinions.


One wire can do that for you.

There are several examples on this forum using the DH11 Temp/Humidity sensor. Throw a bunch of them on a bus, and away you go.

You could also interface each one to an ESP8266 board and not have to run wires at all except for power. Even that, you could go with an Adafruit Huzzah, and have it battery powered.

