Sonoff Basic requires shorter MQTT credentials

I successful flashed a new Sonoff Basic without breaking the seal. This is good news for all solder-noobs (like me). Ok some hurdles had to be taken during the Sonoff factory OTA Mechanism (experimental) installation:

  • no Python
  • no Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0
  • and no Wi-Fi on my desktop
  • RTFM and a bit trial and error.
  • RTFF what to do next in the flow; luckily the script has patience
  • at the end momentarily in a state of shock; where is the green Sonoff light, did I brick it?
  • finally to find the Sonos IP-address (Net scan is my favorite android App for this).

So far, so good but I got now stuck on the long MQTT-credentials that Cayenne generates which is already mentioned in an older topic Tasmota Compatibility.

So at the moment we cannot bring our own thing the Sonoff Basic in this way (Tasmota) to My Devices. :disappointed_relieved:. Hope we can in the near future!

Yes, this is something that we want to provide in the future. We are following the latest MQTT specs but we have come to find out that others still use the shorter mqtt credentials.


@bestes the other approch is offcourse to request more space in Tamota for the MQTT-credentials.:smiley:

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hehe, well said my friend.
