This is a simple (?) guide for solder-noobs (like me)
There is no need to open and break the seal of a SonOff with the following steps:
- Follow SonOTA; Flashing Itead Sonoff devices with custom firmware via original OTA mechanism.
- For more info see Sonoff-Tasmota
- The Sonoff can now be accessed with a browser (if you know the IP address of the SonOff)
- Create a sketch that combines Cayenne, MQTT, ESP8266 and ArduinoOTA requirements
- Verify this sketch (if possibe with a more accessible ESP8266 device)
- Create a hex-file of this sketch in the Arduino IDE’s “sketch” menu with Export compiled binary (the endresult can be found in the same sketch folder)
- Open in browser the SonOff IP address
6 .Upgrade the SonOff with this binary - Continue in Arduino IDE; sketch upload via IP-port, fine-tune sketch if desired
TIPS Do not use DHCP address reservation (SonOff will not come life again straight away)
I just recently found out that an ESP8266 has OTA and I love it. The attached sketch is a combination of various sources, ideas and Cut and Paste actions; Likely in this process I have removed good functionality. This sketch contains an internal scheduling based upon sunset and sunrise, sync between the SonOff led and Cayenne actuator, some obsolete displays like wifi signal, time, uptime, the possibility to disable the internal scheduling and most important OTA. (4.4 KB)
Settings for binary/OTA:
The endresult: