Hello Cayenne Community!
For the months of September and October, we want to see the projects you are making with Cayenne! If you’ve used Cayenne before, then you know how easy it is to create projects. And if you’re new to Cayenne, then start making because you can easily create a project in less than hour!
The rules are simple, and there is a prize for everyone who submits a project!
Grand Prize
$200 - The Cayenne team will vote on their favorite project for the month of September & October. If we pick your project, we will send you $200, and feature your project on our website with short interview (if okay with you)
Participation Prize
$50 - Simply submit your project!
The Rules
1 As of right now, there is no limit to the amount of projects you can submit. (EDIT: limit = 6)
2 Your project must be submitted to the following three platforms:
Projects Made With Cayenne category
Cayenne’s Hackster.io page
And also write a review on the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple Store (iOS), depending on what device you are using.
3 Your project must be compelling in the sense that it has a real world application. For example, turning on an LED with the Cayenne app -while still a fun and rewarding experience!- would not be a compelling enough project for this contest. Sorry! BUT, turning on your living room lamp with the Cayenne app is a real world application . Your project does not have to be super complicated!
I should be able to complete the participation prize within 48 hours after the project is submitted.
We can’t wait to see your projects!