Sunset and sun rise time as a cayenne parameter

providing cayenne parameters of real world events etc (like sunset/sunrise), clock change etc etc, would go a long way to enrich the event triggers that could be managed, such as security/alarm systems.

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Yes, I would like this sort of thing too and would support more ‘real world’ connectivity. I would recommend it. Like a lot of other creative / cool ideas however this could easy be solved with / when / the Python Sand Box proposed, talked about idea comes along. I think it would be easy to go fetch some data from an existing site or other server skim a page for some dynamic txt. Sun & moon times today, New Plymouth, New Zealand etc.

Working with schools and average dev types around NZ I find python to be a happy forgiving, readable coder middle ground. Pretty well suported for Pi projects etc. Even with my ‘12 lines and blobs of code knowledge’ I find it is quite a powerful and diverse code that is not too geeky; has some very broad hardware to network driving potential.

As a mater of interest I have a sub system her that is a Globe Data (Schools weather network project) that has a few uPowered weather stations.

These use a Real Solar Powered RTC (= the sun) to compute the solar max by counting up the daylight length, averaging it and then computing Solar Max and sending the results for each day (Min, Max, Rain etc) for every 24 hour cycle over to the Raspberry Pi.

I am waiting for the Python Sand Box sort of idea to happen so I can glue this ideas to Cayenne and bring this data onto Cayenne platform. At present it works over a shoe string, back door entry to an insecure, Hacked Open Mesh router + Put to a MySQL. This is in effect a 10 year old IoT system. Great end to end set of concept for beginners But look forward to Cayenne IoT Solution !

~ Andrew

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Hey @rob_jones, this is a good suggestion that I’m going to share with our product team. I can think of a lot of possibilities for real-world triggers and would like to see it added to the platform.

If anyone else reading this thread has any ideas for real world event triggers that you’d like, please feel free to share them here.

@picaxe, that’s a cool project, glad to see that you’re interested in using our platform for it. Can I ask, as an American, what Hokey Pokey is? My eyes are drawn to food and I don’t think we have that product here :slight_smile:

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Sorry Rob,
I don’t think we have it in Colorado.


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Weather would be nice. My first project in Cayenne is for an automated watering system. Would be nice to parse local weather data and if there is for example a better than 60% chance of X number of mm’s of rain for example I would skip a watering cycle. I have a limited well, so unnecessary watering would be nice to predict.

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When we release Cayenne API, you could put local weather data into Cayenne Triggers. This is coming!

Be sure to let us know about your automated watering system project. Post it to the Projects Made with Cayenne category. :slight_smile:



Looking forward to scripting capability. Also I would like to see remote command shell. Desktop is nice for tablet but she’ll would great. Also I noticed browser based remote desktop isn’t working but works fine on Android Cayenne app. I have say, what you have is pretty cool so far and was very easy to set up. I should note though, I am an IT person by trade although I think anyone with time on a Pi or Arduino could follow your instructions easily.

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I’m looking at controlling an observatory dome remotely (shutter and rotation)., weather and other stuff. Stepper motor control and Gyro/Compass are important (GSP less so): none of which Cayennne currently supports - yet!. Keep up the good work Cayenne - looks a good Business going forward.

wow, good job. I need a weather station myself. share any information sources on your solution?
(I am humbled by the master!)

Suggest a python generic variable teleport and I.e. access to all the resources, almanac on www side as well as smart processing available in python. The above solar garden clock Real time clock . weather station is only ambient light averaged over 7 days but is back on line here and now. It plays happy birthday when Light >= 10 and Silent Night when else Not >=10 and computes solar max for the Globe Weather observations and records all values to a plot. Cayenne will be a great way to handle this in a future moddification.

Myself I am keen to get kids getting hands on, making stuff like soda magnetometers coupled via Hall Effect Sensors to pick up Aurora Australis (in our case). A cotton thread with a Neolib magnet and analogue HES set on edge is enough to predict a show well before sunset.
I have added serially controlled 3Watt Class D uSD MP3 players to this kit. So waiting for a student to program up sound fx / music (Dr Who and Stargate so far)
~ Andrew

I’m thinking solar panel systems. Temperatures monitored and fans controlled via Pam to keep watts down. Monitor voltages, solar panels, windmill, battery bank. Expanded number of devices available. Willing to pay$$$