PiFace Digital Not Supported Yet

@wek I came back to this thread from another post and just now realized where the mistake is. Try the code below:

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import sys
import pifacedigitalio

#time.sleep(30) #Sleep to allow wireless to connect before starting MQTT

#set up user info
username = "username from mqtt dashboard"
password = "password from mqtt dashboard"
clientid = "clientid from mqtt dashboard"

#handle incoming messages from Cayenne
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
    #print("Received message '" + str(message.payload) + "' on topic '" + message.topic + "' with QoS " + str(message.qos)) #uncomment to print recieved message
    updatevaluetopic = str(message.topic.rsplit('/',2)[0]) + "/data/" + str(message.topic.rsplit('/',2)[2]) #topic to send updated value to dashboard
    commandresponsetopic = str(message.topic.rsplit('/',2)[0]) + "/response" #topic to send response to dashboard
    try: #if there is an error let Cayenne know about it
        pfd.output_pins[int(message.topic.rsplit('/',2)[2])].value = int(message.payload.split(',')[1]) #set output to the value recieved
        updatevalue = message.payload.split(',')[1] #set value to send back to dashboard
        mqttc.publish(updatevaluetopic, payload=updatevalue, retain=True) #send back the value that was recieved to update the dashboard widget
        commandresponse = "ok," + str(message.payload.split(',')[0]) #set the response to send back to the dasboard
        mqttc.publish(commandresponsetopic, payload=commandresponse, retain=True) #send response to the dashboard
        commandresponse = "error," + str(message.payload.split(',')[0])
        mqttc.publish(topic, payload=commandresponse, retain=True)

#handle falling events
def updatedashboardfalling(event):
    updatevaluetopic = "v1/" + str(username) + "/things/" + str(clientid) + "/data/" + str(event.pin_num + 8) #topic to send updated value to dashboard
    updatevalue = "digital,d=1" #set value to send back to dashboard
    mqttc.publish(updatevaluetopic, payload=updatevalue, retain=True) #send value to dashboard

#handle rising events
def updatedashboardrising(event):
    updatevaluetopic = "v1/" + str(username) + "/things/" + str(clientid) + "/data/" + str(event.pin_num + 8) #topic to send updated value to dashboard
    updatevalue = "digital,d=0" #set value to send back to dashboard
    mqttc.publish(updatevaluetopic, payload=updatevalue, retain=True) #send value to dashboard

#Set up PiFace Digital
pfd = pifacedigitalio.PiFaceDigital()

#set up MQTT
mqttc = mqtt.Client(client_id=clientid)
mqttc.username_pw_set(username, password=password)
mqttc.connect("mqtt.mydevices.com", port=1883, keepalive=60)
mqttc.subscribe("v1/" + str(username) + "/things/" + str(clientid) + "/cmd/#")
mqttc.message_callback_add("v1/" + str(username) + "/things/" + str(clientid) + "/cmd/#", on_message)

#set up interrupts
listener = pifacedigitalio.InputEventListener(chip=pfd)
for i in range(4):
    listener.register(i, pifacedigitalio.IODIR_FALLING_EDGE, updatedashboardfalling)
    listener.register(i, pifacedigitalio.IODIR_RISING_EDGE, updatedashboardrising)

while True:
        for i in range(8): #since interrupts can be unreliable send the actual value to the dashboard every 1 second as well
            updatevaluetopic = "v1/" + str(username) + "/things/" + str(clientid) + "/data/" + str(i + 8) #topic to send updated value to dashboard
            updatevalue = "digital,d=" + str(pfd.input_pins[i].value) #set value to send back to dashboard
            mqttc.publish(updatevaluetopic, payload=updatevalue, retain=True) #send value to dashboard
    except (EOFError, SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): #handle ctrl+c and reboots cleanly