About This Project
This project is intended to change the behavior of office employees with smart monitoring of sitting pattern. In this project, I tried to hack into my sitting pattern and make the table area smarter itself.
Cayenne interface has really helped me realize the idea in few steps. Since last few years, I used to work with Python API for SMTP which keep giving me trouble due to advanced security features of gmail. Further SMS integration was a nightmare for me.
Hackster.io link:
SitSat - My Personal Office Chair Sitting Pattern Monitor - Hackster.io
Instructables link of the project:
SitSat - My Personal Office Chair Sitting Pattern Monitor : 6 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
What’s Connected
In order to detect my presence at desk area, I have used HC-SR04 sensor which has a range of 5meters. In order to improve the performance of whole system and take smarter trigger, I have implemented two sensors.
Triggers & Alerts
I created a trigger to send a mail alert each time I leave the office chair.
I created an event at the beginning of each day to remind me to check mail. It’ll send an email reminder and pi will shut down. So after checking the mail and pattern, I have start pi again to make sure I checked the pattern.