Bug Filed on 04-04-2016: Raspberry GPIOs status on boot

1. What OS? (Wheezy or Jessie)


2. What class/size SD card? (ex. class 10 16gb)


3. What Model Pi? (A+, A, B+, B, Pi2)

Pi 3

4. Please describe the bug / issue. Attaching any relevant screenshots would be very helpful! Thanks in advance.

Hi all,
I’ve been using cayenne for a few days now and have connected a raspberry pi with a 4 channel relay plus a ds18 temp sensor already. All work spotless unless the little annoying issue as described below:

When raspberry boots up it sets all four relays ON – I guess some cayenne script sets associated GPIOS to LOW- while that is not what I want as I have lights connected to the relays and turns them on on reboot which is not good.

Any way I can change that? The “invert logic” YES-NO option from within the setup interface does not affect that at all.

Hey there!

Glad everything worked spotless until now. So this is something that’s been brought up and we’re aware that there should be eventually be a fix for this. I experience the same thing on some of my Pi’s with actuators hooked up.

We will be investigating a way to change this. This is behind some of the other upcoming features we’re working on, such as Arduino integration, more widgets, custom coding.


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All right. Thanks so much for replying. Cheers!

Thanks. Until then battery backup. :slight_smile: