What dashboard are you using? Web, Android
What OS? Jessie
What Model Pi? pi 2 /8gb class 10 sd /ethernet
Please describe the bug / issue. Attaching any relevant screenshots would be very helpful!
This is my second clean installation of cayenne (flashed fresh sd image, created new account) as the previous(with a different account) crashed in a horrible way beyond being recoverable. A lot of bogus sensors appeared out of nowhere, impossible to remove by any means. Resetting the dashboard did nothing usefull beyond removing the entries I have created and left behind all the uselles stuff.
As of this morning several pages of new erroneous sensors have appeared in the dashboard.
I have a vague suspicion that the android app might be causing this or contributing somehow. Whenever I try to access my pi while being offline things seem to get thing mixed up… at least that’s my impression because i have tested the whole setup for several days in my office and watched over it performing flawlessly until being deployed to the field (the boiler room) where all the funny stuff begun.
Edit: Flashing new sd with jessie now for the third time
web interface sceenshots
This is the second time this happens with the same hardware configuration (Rpi2 class10 8gb sd Eth0)
Troubleshooting efforts…
All sensors are readily accessible any time with cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-*/w1_slave command(returns true temp values and YES) and ls command in /sys/bus/w1/devices yields the expected list of sensors i have installed and cataloged. No CRC or name errors whatsoever so I suppose my meticulously checked wiring is OK.
More problems
The relays have gone unresponsive as well, but this might be caused since I have changed the starting values of the gpio pins used from /etc/webiopi/config … I think I shouldn’t do that as now the relays behave strangely (They are not switching on simultaneously when restarting after a reboot but rather in a rattle fashion) even after restoring the original config values. (#All commented).
Is there any way to reset my account and start all over again after a clean install or should I proceed with a new account?
How can I bind the gpios to certain starting IN/OUT LOW/HIGH states safely, if not through webiopi/config?
Thanks in advance for your combined effort, I would love to participate to your project’s debugging by providing feedback and maybe ideas.Keep up with the good work!