Command and change GPIO status through web


I discovered recently cayenne and I need know how I can use this software (website) to see and command GPIO status. I intend command a led through GPIO but I need do this through internet. The Cayenne allow me this but on GPIO tab I only see this:

I was searching on this forum a and discovered an thread where the suggestion is downgrade the version kernel. I did this and now this is my kernel version:

$ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 4.4.50-v7+ #970 SMP Mon Feb 20 19:18:29 GMT 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

But the screen (page) about GPIO states continues the same. I will appreciate read about project where use and change status of the pins (GPIO) through cayenne.


it seems to be working fine at my end. which browser are you using? can you PM me your email_id used to login in cayenne.