Como controlar um rele?

nao consigo controlar o rele, adiciono nos dispositivos mas nao envia o comando

Olá @wadler.luis

Bem-vindo à Comunidade de Caiena. Desculpe-me pelo meu português enquanto estou usando o Google Tradutor.

Em que tipo de dispositivo este relé está conectado? Se for um Raspberry Pi, você poderia compartilhar o resultado do comando uname -a?

obrigado, e sem problemas, desculpe pela falta de informação sou novo no
resultado. Linux raspberrypi 4.9.35-v7+ #1014 SMP Fri jun 30 14:47:43 2017
armv71 GNU/Linux

Eu adicionei ele no cayenne e apareceu as informações do processador e
memoria que ele adiciona automaticamente. depois fui em adicionar
dispositivo e adicionei relay e selecionei o canal. mas quando aparece o
atalho para acionar, ele não envia nenhum comando. escreve no atalho

Sorry, I try to write in English because the translation of what I meant is
very different in Portuguese.
And I’m sorry for my English too.

I added the relay on the cayenne and the processor appeared and the memory
information it adds automatically. Then I will go to the device and add the
relay and the channel. But when the button appears, it does not send any
commands. Keep typing in the inaccessible shortcut

This is because your Pi is running the 4.9 Linux kernel, with which webiopi (a component of the Cayenne Pi agent software) is currently incompatible.

You can switch to the 4.4 kernel with just one command (and a reboot afterwards):
sudo rpi-update 52241088c1da59a359110d39c1875cda56496764

We have an update to the Pi agent in our QA now which should resolve this issue and allow Cayenne to work on both 4.4 and 4.9 in the near future.

Give that command a try (and be sure to reboot the Pi afterward), and uname -a should show you’re on the 4.4.50 kernel. At that point, the widget should lose it’s ‘unreachable’ label and you should be able to use it OK.

Thank you so much for the help, it’s working now. :grinning:


Excellent, we should have an updated agent out soon so it won’t matter which kernel you’re running. That update will be automatic.


Just wanted to update that this automatic update is live now, so use whichever kernel you please :slight_smile: