Estou na luta para aprender a programação no Cayenne. Meu desejo agora é utilizar o NODEMCU para acionar as luzes da minha casa. Pelo passo a passo consegui funcioar um relé ligado no pino D5. No meu painel do Cayenne ficou como Channel 3. Agora gostaria de colocar mais 4 rele para outras lampadas, mas nao faço ideia como mudar no código IDE. Com um rele somente o codigo ficou assim:
- @file SimplePublish.c
- Simplified example app for using the Cayenne MQTT C library to publish example data.
#include “CayenneMQTTClient.h”
// Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char* username = “xxxxx”;
char* password = “xxxxxx”;
char* clientID = “xxxxxxx”;
Network network;
CayenneMQTTClient mqttClient;
// Connect to the Cayenne server.
int connectClient(void)
// Connect to the server.
int error = 0;
printf(“Connecting to %s:%d\n”, CAYENNE_DOMAIN, CAYENNE_PORT);
if ((error = NetworkConnect(&network, CAYENNE_DOMAIN, CAYENNE_PORT)) != 0) {
return error;
if ((error = CayenneMQTTConnect(&mqttClient)) != MQTT_SUCCESS) {
return error;
// Send device info. Here we just send some example values for the system info. These should be changed to use actual system data, or removed if not needed.
CayenneMQTTPublishData(&mqttClient, NULL, SYS_MODEL_TOPIC, CAYENNE_NO_CHANNEL, NULL, NULL, "Linux");
// Main loop where MQTT code is run.
void loop(void)
while (1) {
// Yield to allow MQTT message processing.
CayenneMQTTYield(&mqttClient, 1000);
// Publish some example data every second. This should be changed to send your actual data to Cayenne.
CayenneMQTTPublishDataFloat(&mqttClient, NULL, DATA_TOPIC, 0, TYPE_TEMPERATURE, UNIT_CELSIUS, 30.5);
CayenneMQTTPublishDataInt(&mqttClient, NULL, DATA_TOPIC, 1, TYPE_LUMINOSITY, UNIT_LUX, 1000);
// Main function.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize the network.
// Initialize the Cayenne client.
CayenneMQTTClientInit(&mqttClient, &network, username, password, clientID, NULL);
// Connect to Cayenne.
if (connectClient() == CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
// Run main loop.
else {
printf("Connection failed, exiting\n");
return 0;