Como usar

sensor de corrente acs712

Measuring Current Using ACS712
const int analogIn = A0;
int mVperAmp = 185; // use 100 for 20A Module and 66 for 30A Module
int RawValue= 0;
int ACSoffset = 2500;
double Voltage = 0;
double Amps = 0;

void setup(){

void loop(){

RawValue = analogRead(analogIn);
Voltage = (RawValue / 1024.0) * 5000; // Gets you mV
Amps = ((Voltage - ACSoffset) / mVperAmp);

Serial.print(“Raw Value = " ); // shows pre-scaled value
Serial.print(”\t mV = “); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.print(Voltage,3); // the ‘3’ after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point
Serial.print(”\t Amps = "); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.println(Amps,3); // the ‘3’ after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point


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obg pela informação mais como eu crio o gráfico se nao tem a o picão
deste sensor de corrente

How do I implement this in cayenne.

You can use Virtual Pins


what would my sketch look like?

where do I put my formula to convert the raw data into something more intelligible?

Measuring Current Using ACS712
const int analogIn = A0;
int mVperAmp = 185; // use 100 for 20A Module and 66 for 30A Module
int RawValue= 0;
int ACSoffset = 2500;
double Voltage = 0;
double Amps = 0;

void setup(){

void loop(){

RawValue = analogRead(analogIn);
Voltage = (RawValue / 1024.0) * 5000; // Gets you mV
Amps = ((Voltage - ACSoffset) / mVperAmp);

Serial.print(“Raw Value = " ); // shows pre-scaled value
Serial.print(”\t mV = “); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.print(Voltage,3); // the ‘3’ after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point
Serial.print(”\t Amps = "); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.println(Amps,3); // the ‘3’ after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point
